Library Documentation

Select a section below to view detailed documentation and examples:

Getting Started

  • Getting Started

    Overview of how to set up and integrate the Gigabits component library into your project, including installation and initial configuration.


Layout and Structure

  • Styles

    Contains base styles and theme utilities, including the Section component, for consistent styling across the application.

  • Hello

    A simple demo component that displays a "Hello" message for testing and demonstration.

  • Card

    Layout component retrurns children in a styled div.

  • Modal

    Layout component retrurns children in a Modal, and a dark overlay.

  • SideBar

    Vertical navigation menu.

UI Components

  • Menus

    Components for building navigation menus

  • Button

    Basic button component.

  • Snack

    Temporary message for displaying feedbcak to the user.

  • InputField

    Composite component for User input.

  • Dropdown

    Styled select control.

  • CheckBoxGroup

    Control for selecting multiple checkboxes.

  • TagSelector

    Control for selecting from a predefined list of tags or creating new ones.

  • DateRange

    Control for selecting a date range.

  • Copy to Clipboard Button

    Provides a button that allows users to copy text or code to their clipboard with a single click.

  • BurgerMenu

    Dropdown menu.

  • ListItem

    The ListItem component includes easy options to set the bullet icon and list (indentation) level.

  • Icons

    Some assorted icons that we have been unable to find elsewhere.

Typography and Code

  • Code Block

    Renders code snippets with syntax highlighting, improving readability of code examples.

  • JsonRecordViewer

    Displays JSON data in a styled view, with options to collapse nested objects.
